What to Expect on Sunday

Southminster is not only a place of service to God, Southminster is a place of rest and restoration. When you drive into the parking lot of Southminster, you will find a “lot” of natural beauty. You may want to come during the week and soak in God’s grace.

A “Welcome Flag” will direct you to the main entrance, and a friendly face will greet you and help you find your way to the sanctuary, narthex, or nursery. In our narthex, you will find information about our congregation, our service to others, and our activities as a church family.

Before the service begins, you might notice that some folks are silent during the prelude while others chat. We are like a family greeting one another at the end of the day. Some need quiet and others need connection.

Dress as you like. Some of us wear suits and ties and some wear jeans and sneakers.

Our worship is composed of diverse elements. It is a mosaic of worship. We sing from a hymnal and from a supplement so that we can include a wide variety of songs. That means we have the best of both traditional and contemporary worship. There are some traditional elements of Reformed worship, sermon, call to worship, prayer of confession, affirmation of faith and scripture. You may hear laughter, tears, “amens,” or clapping, and sometimes the beauty of silence. Our choir sings a range of music from sacred, to global, to spirituals.

We celebrate communion once a month, generally the first Sunday of the month. During the summer, folks come forward for communion. The rest of the year communion is served family-style in the pews. The elements are alcohol and gluten-free.

After the benediction, our worship continues with fellowship. There we visit over coffee, juice, and cookies. We even have gluten-free and sugar-free refreshments! We celebrate birthdays once a month.

We are a warm congregation.